Wednesday 28 December 2011

Call to Action to Eradicate Domestic Violence

The Canadian group Young Muslims has made a "Call to Action to Eradicate Domestic Violence" in which they list six ways that Muslims can help to end this problems:

"Prominent Canadian Muslim organizations, community leaders and activists have joined together to issue a Call to Action to Eradicate Domestic Violence. This Call highlights six ways Canadian Muslims can intensify their efforts to abolish all forms of domestic violence.

As Muslims, we base our ethics and behaviour on the teachings of the Quran and the authenticated example of the Prophet Muhammad, who never hit a woman and taught the men that “the best amongst you is he who treats women the best”. The Quran unequivocally emphasizes the sanctity of all life, forbids all forms of coercion in matters of religion, and reminds us all that each of us is accountable for our actions directly to God, the only Judge.

There is no room within these teachings for any person, by virtue of gender or position within the family, to seize control over the life and bodily security of another. Domestic violence and, in the extreme, practices such as killing to “restore family honour” violate clear and non-negotiable Islamic principles, and so we categorically condemn all forms of domestic violence."

The webiste also lists all of the Muslim organisations and Imams and community leaders that have signed up to the pledge. You can see the details of the campiagn here.

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