Friday 7 October 2011

FBI Stops Islamophonbic Training

The Independent (17 September 2011) carries an article about FBI training which was stopped because it was anti-Muslim:

"The FBI has announced that a lecture at the bureau's training academy that was critical of Islam has been discontinued.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation employee who gave the lecture contended, among other things, that the more devout a Muslim man was, the more likely he was to be violent.

An FBI spokesman, Christopher Allen, said that following the outcry about the lecture, policy changes had been made to ensure that all training was consistent with FBI standards.

Since the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, the FBI has stressed the importance of working with leaders in the Muslim community as an important part of the battle against terrorism.

A federal law enforcement official said the bureau should have more carefully scrutinised the content of the lecture before it took place. The lecture was given on just three days in April."

Original article here.

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